I'm frustrated.
BOL announced full year results, which didn't look particularly divergent to expectations. Goodwill has been written down by $70m which is pretty massive considering intangibles at 31 December were $74.018m. But not really surprising considering the consistent underperformance of the business. The more notable parts of the announcement from an asset perspective are the write-downs in assets-held-for-sale of $4.5m and a $5m hit to 'fixed assets in WA'. Considering assets-held-for-sale at 30 June will be ~$15m, the $5m write-down is a big hit. The other write-down is against assets of ~$100m, so the ~5% hit isn't so bad.
Full year 'Trading' EBIT is $13.8m. Considering NTA is $232m (which is net of debt), the ROA is appallingly low. Margin compression and under-utilisation are the culprits however note this can of course easily flip the other way leading to a rapid spike in ROA. Certainly the current economic value of the assets are suspect.
So, anyway...
- NTA is 49c
- The current price is 13.5c
- If you believe the figures, BOL is a truly eye-popping discount to NTA of 72%
And this is the frustrating part. Management have previously re-iterated the scope for a buy-back given the recognised massive discount to NTA, yet do precisely nothing about it. As highlighted in the update, they have spent $16m on new kit this year, which in itself seems pretty ballsy given every man and his dog know the mining sector is done for the time being. Why on they continue to buy new kit and not just buy-back stock is still beyond me.
The update made no mention of the buy-back.
Nor have insiders been buying stock.
So no buy-back, no insiders buying the stock, hardly any professional in the market wanting to touch the stock AND management buying new kit when assets are delivering sub-par returns. It doesn't add up.
I am either missing something here, the NTA just can't be believed and/or management are just poor capital allocators and therefore should be replaced.
I really hope I am missing something. I'm more than happy to admit a mistake - I've plenty of those in my lifetime.
I am writing to management asking for an update on the buy-back. I intend to be more vocal on this issue.
Disclosure: own BOL